
Action Innocence

The mission of this association is to protect the dignity and the integrity of children on the Internet. Every year, the operation « a teddy bear dreamed by…» gathers around thirty designers, each one creating a unique teddy bear. Then, the bears are sold by auction in order to raise funds. Lacrita Keller accompagnies Faith Connexion for this operation in 2009.

Frimousses de créateurs

It is an operation organized by the UNICEF in order to help medically children from Darfour. Every year, the biggest artists are gathered to create unique dolls, sold by auction.

In 2009, Lacrita Keller accompanies the brand Faith Connexion who participates in the operation and creates a doll in partnership with Corleone and Tomas Wylde. This edition reported more than 285 000 € to the association.

Keep a Child Alive

This association sponsored by Alicia Keys helps the children affected by the HIV. Faith Connexion, thanks to Lacrita Keller, created the tee-shirt « Believe you can change the world » to support the association.

Les Restos Du Cœur

The association was created by a French humorist "Coluche". Its mission is to help diminished people by giving them a meal per day National concerts called "Les Enfoires” was created to help recolt funds for the cause.
The brand “Corleone” participated three consecutive years for this beautiful geste of generosity.

Association “Cécilia's Fairy”

The association supports and accompanies children to bloom into self fulfillmen.
This action in The Normandie region is all year round, with an annual Gala, where artists donate several of their master pieces to be auctioned off. This year features Efisio Aznar and Remi Nonn.